Saturday, January 21, 2017

In the Kingdom of God

Unmindful of the crowd and unperturbed by the uncertainty of future, as I stood at the gates of the Kingdom of God, the years gone by went flashing before my eyes. Unlike the attention and privileges that I enjoyed as a bureaucrat back on the Earth, nobody seemed affected by my presence here.

While I waited for my turn for a face-to-face with God, the calmness on my face belied the burning desire to get into a conversation with him. And though it is said that soul is a ‘pure energy’ devoid of earthly desires, mine was particularly fueled by an agenda. I was thinking of a perfect way to greet him. I was thinking if I would be given an opportunity to present my case and be heard. I was thinking of all the unanswered questions that had troubled me in my lifetime.

“Oh! If only the world was a fair place to live!”

Inspite of looking incessantly at the long queue before the Almighty, my eyes were wary of closing themselves in some rest. The love of the parents, the care of the siblings, the naughtiness of the early years of friendship, the song of the beloved, the dance of passion, the patriotism for the nation and the intention and struggle to contribute to the society flooded my heart and drenched my soul. I felt lonely like a shore which was being touched by the waves of these memories, sometimes rushing in and sometimes, retreating.
I could barely collect myself when a roaring voice said; “Next!” and I found myself presented before the God himself. Without waiting for someone to introduce me, I said, “Ms XYZ, a bureaucrat, posted in…No No No ! Really Sorry..”

Ms XYZ, Lord ! I stand before you as Me; without pretentions, without assumptions!

 “But you are certainly not without questions, my child!”, he said in a half-smile peculiar of Gods.

Hordes of them, indeed! You have been quite unfair to me a lot of times. And I am here to recount my story of struggle and dejection..”, I paused but hesitantly continued, “..but not without exerting you to implement some of my recommendations to the real world.” Obviously, I couldn’t part with my habit of pushing something of my own interest implicitly amongst all the matter that interested my boss. Bureaucracy had taught that beautifully to me.

In his enchanting smile and sparkling eyes, I read the permission of continuation of my speech.

Lord! It is an excruciating experience to find your most beautiful creation seeped in corruption and devoid of morality. It is even more disheartening to live through harassment that one faces at being honest. If only you could deprive humans of one particular characteristic, the world would be a much simpler place.”

And what is that, my child?”, God seemed engaged.

If there is one characteristic in men and women of this planet; that is unmatched in the levels of development in comparison to any other species, it is their capability to “FEIGN”! Somehow, they have mastered the art of concealing their true emotions and true intentions behind the garb of more acceptable moral standards. They can feign happiness on being sad, morality on being corrupt, contentment on being hollow, care on being apathetic, and trustworthiness on being shrewd. No other creature on this planet is as adept in doing it. If you could deprive them of this ability, they would not be able to dupe others. There would be a lot more peace and happiness in the world.

But do you know why they feign instead of coming out open with their true feelings?”, he shook me by his question.

As I tried contemplating, he continued, “I have given you the ideals to follow, an intellect to attain them and a conscience to warn you if at all you falter. I have essentially programmed your life around these ideals. In the process of growing up, you will certainly learn the importance of success but you will never be able to unlearn the fact that the dignity in any success comes from honesty and rectitude. And so when you won’t practice these ideals, you will feign them. You will wrap your debased and irrational hedonism in the sugary coating of feigned righteousness.

But this should create guilt and conflict in a human’s mind, which it doesn’t seem to do!”, I quickly retorted.

Well, it does!” He smiled. “And to be able to fight through this conflict to reach to the path of righteousness is what you are meant to learn in this life.

But how and why does one choose corrupt values over the righteous ones in the first place..?”, I enquired.

Values guide you in two ways. One set of values are terminal values which are the end-goals that you will hope to achieve in our lifetime while the other ones are instrumental values which are the means by which you will accomplish these end goals. By this explanation; social recognition, prosperity, happiness etc would fall in the category of terminal values and honesty, courage, obedience, truthfulness etc would constitute the instrumental values. And much of the story of corruption gets incepted in the relative importance of these values in your lives.”

In no time, I understood what God was hinting at. I tried to add, “It means that how upright or corrupt we become is a function of how much importance we give to the means in comparison to the end-states. For e.g. the moment prosperity assumes prime importance to a person irrespective of the means which begets such prosperity, the seed of corruption is sown!

Exactly”, he exclaimed. “If human society would consider money, posting, rewards and medals as the barometers of success; it is bound to produce the individuals who would bury their instrumental values of uprightness and hard-work to scale the heights of ‘success’ through any means possible, including corruption, bribes, nepotism etc. The essence of your living is not unabashed personal aggrandizement at the cost of others, but a collective well-being of all. And that is where your happiness and peace will come from.

But before I could pose further queries from my hitherto unsettled mind, the morning alarm rang aloud in my ears. My eyes searched for the same Kingdom of God on the walls of my room, only to realize that it had settled down deep in my heart already.

As I stepped into my balcony for a taste of morning breeze, the apprehensiveness of an unfair world had subsumed itself into a determination of the right means.

Jai Hind!